Лични данни и образование
Д-р Малина Белчева специализира реставрация на произведения на изкуството върху хартия, текстил и кожа, ръкописи, карти и книги в САЩ, където работи като реставратор за лабораториите на университета Нортуестърн (Northwestern University), лабораторията към специалните колекции на библиотеката Харолд Вашингтон (Harold Washington Library Center) и за лабораторията на Музея за изящни и приложни изкуства на Чикаго (The Art Institute of Chicago). Член е на Съюза на учените в България, Съюза на българските художници, Асоциацията на реставраторите в България, както и на Международния институт за консервация и реставрация на произведения на изкуството (International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC), UK), на Американския институт за консервация и реставрация на произведения на изкуството (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC), USA) и на Международния съвет на музеите (International Council of Museums (ICOM), France). Публикува изследвания в областта на консервацията и реставрацията на произведения на изкуството, философията и историята на изкуството. Със свои фотографии и художествени произведения участва в национални и международни изложби в Европа и Америка. Нейни творби са притежание на международни частни и обществени колекции, между които са специалните колекции на Музея за изящни и приложни изкуства на Чикаго (The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA), Библиотеката Фолджър Шекспир във Вашингтон (Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, USA), Библиотеката Бостън Атенеум в Бостън (Boston Athenaeum, Boston, USA) и на Музея за редки и ценни издания Меермано в Хага, Нидерландия (Meermanno Museum, The Hague, The Netherlands).
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3115-3080
Author ID (SCOPUS): 57204566479
Researcher ID (Web of Science): AAJ-6437-2020
Избрани общи и колективни изложби
2023 – 20 години Асоциация на реставраторите в България, Национална галерия, Двореца, София, България, 2023.
2018 – Van Gogh's Bedrooms, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2017 – Van Dyck, Rembrandt, and the Portrait Print, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2017 – International Miniature Bookbinding Exhibition. Meermanno Museum, The Hague, The Netherlands (design binding „The Island”, collection of the Meermanno Museum).
2015 – Ireland: Crossroads of Art and Design, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
Ghosts and Demons in Japanese Prints, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2014 -–Temptation: The Demons of James Ensor, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2014 – What May Come: The Taller de Gráfica Popular and the Mexican Political Print, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2014 – Magritte: The Mystery of the Ordinary, 1926–1938, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2014 – De ou par René Magritte: Art in Belgium, 1920-1975, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2015 – Heaven and Earth: Art of Byzantium from Greek Collections, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2015 – Books in Exhibitions. Symposium, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, USA (selection of cradles for exhibition of books, collection of Folger Shakespeare Library).
2014 – Josef Koudelka: Nationality Doubtful, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2014 – Around the World in Travel Sketches, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2014 – Utamaro: Aspects of Beauty, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2014 – Renoir’s True Colors: Science Solves a Mystery, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2014 – Devouring Books, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2014 – XIe FIRA. Forum International de la Reliure d'Art, Carre d'Art, Nimes, France (design binding “Nisi Dominos” collection of Boston Athenaeum, Boston, USA).
2013 – Sharing Space: Creative Intersections in Architecture and Design, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2013 – Picasso and Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2013 – They Seek a City: Chicago and the Art of Migration, 1910–1950 The Artist and the Poet, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2013 – ARTWORK6. The Art Institute of Chicago, Sullivan Galleries, Chicago, USA.
2013 – Rarely Seen Contemporary Works on Paper, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2013 – 2014 - La Couleur du Vent an International Design Binding Exhibition held under the auspices of Les Amis de la Reliure d'Art du Canada. Canada in partnership with Ecole Estienne, Paris, France, exibited in France, Canada, and USA.
2012 – Picturing Poetry, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2011 – The Floating World Emerges: Selections from the Clarence Buckingham Collection, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2012 – Parcours, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2012 – Rethinking Typologies: Architecture and Design from the Permanent Collection, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2012 – In Succession: Contemporary Artists’ Periodicals, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2012 – Jindřich Heisler: Surrealism under Pressure, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2012 – Entre Nous: The Art of Claude Cahun, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2012 – Light Years: Conceptual Art and the Photograph, 1964–1977, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2012 – Rough, Blurred, and Out of Focus: Provoke Magazine and Postwar Japanese Photography, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2012 – Contemporary Drawings from the Irving Stenn Jr. Collection, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2012 – Beauty and the Book: 19th and Early 20th Century Folios on the Decorative Arts. Curator, conservator, selection, preparation and installation of rare books from Decorative Arts Book Collection. The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2011 – Architecture for Urbanism: Selections from the Bertrand Goldberg Archive, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2011 – Design Inspiration: 19th-Century American Builders' Manuals and Pattern Books, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2011 – Windows on the War: Soviet TASS Posters at Home and Abroad, 1941–1945, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2011 – Avant-Garde Art in Everyday Life, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA
2011 – Altered and Adorned: Using Renaissance Prints in Daily Life, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
2011 – Kings, Queens, and Courtiers: Art in Early Renaissance France, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
Произведенията на автора се намират в
Творби на д-р Малина Белчева са притежание на международни частни и обществени колекции, между които са колекциите на музеите The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, USA, Boston Athenaeum, Boston, USA, Meermanno Museum, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Награда за отлично представяне като реставратор в Музея за изящни и приложни изкуства на Чикаго – Director’s Аward for Еxcellence by Douglas Druick, President and Director of The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA. (2014)
Избрани монографии и студии
Белчева, Малина. (Монография) Иновативен дизайн и експериментални структури във викторианската книга (1800–1900) – технология и реставрация на релефен дизайн подвързия на Оуен Джоунс за “Псалмите на Давид. Псалтир на Виктория”, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, София, 2022, (464 стр.). (ISBN 978-954-07-5369-0)
Belcheva, Malina. (Book chapter) Unveiling Secrets of the Trade: Owen Jones and the Relievo Art of The Psalms of David. Suave Mechanicals: Essays on the History of Bookbinding, Vol. 7, The Legacy Press, Editor: Julia Miler, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 2022, 78-108. (ISBN: 9781953421081)
Белчева, Малина. Документация и универсалност. Документация на реставрационния процес. Годишник на Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, Философски факултет, Библиотечно-информационни науки”, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, Том 10, София, 2021/22, 99-115. (ISSN: 1313-4256)
Белчева, Малина. Исторически и съвременни модели за албумни подвързии. Годишник на Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, Факултет по науки за образованието и изкуствата. Книга Изкуства, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, Том 114, София, 2021, 117-141. (ISSN: 2738-7062)
Белчева, Малина. Културни тенденции, дизайн и структура на книгата през викторианската епоха. Списание за библиотечни и информационни науки, книгоиздаване и литературна история. Библиотека, Издание на Министерство на културата на Република България, бр. 4, София, 2021, 101-121. (ISSN: 0861-847X).
Belcheva, Malina. Changing to Preserve: Reinforced Conservation Album Binding Structure. (Poster presentation.) Annual Conference – ICON THE INSTITUTE FOR CONSERVATION BOOK & PAPER GROUP ANNUAL CONFERENCE / MODCONS 2021: Mod Cons: Modern Conservation. Modern Constraints. Modern Convenience. 4 – 7 October 2021, ICON, London, UK, 2021.
Belcheva, Malina. (Book chapter) Conservation Consideration and Sequence of Treatment for Fifty-two Plates Engraved from Portraits by Van Dyck and Others, 16th - 17th Century. In the book: Book Conservation. One Philosophy – Many Interpretations, Editors: Georgios Boudalis, Patricia Engel, Elissaveta Mousakova, Flavia Pinzari, Joseph Schiro and Jedert Vodopivec Tomazic, Verlag Berger Horn, Wien, Austria, 2021, 257–273. (ISBN: 978-3-85028-958-0)
Belcheva, Malina. Remboîtage of a Binding: Authenticity and Conservation of Fifty-two Plates Engraved from Portraits by Van Dyck and Others, 16th - 17th Century. Conservation, Exposition et Restauration d’Objets d’Art Journal, no. 12, Association CeROArt, Liège, Belgium, 2021. (Part of ISSN: 1784-5092), [http://journals.openedition.org/ceroart/7138]
Belcheva, Malina. On the Study and Conservation of Fifty-two Plates Engraved from Portraits by Van Dyck and Others. Guild of Book Workers Newsletter, no. 253, December, New York, NY, 2020, 14-18. (Part of ISSN: 0730-3203)
Belcheva, Malina. Conservation of a Folio Album with Engravings by Van Dyke from the Collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. Conservation treatment by Malina Belcheva. (Poster presentation) Annual Conference - Book Conservation. One Philosophy. Many Interpretations, November 2020, European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration, Zentrum für Kulturgüterschutz, Department Bauen und Umwelt, University for Continuing Education Krems, Krems, Austria, 2020.
Белчева, Малина. Викторианският дизайн на подвързията – предварителни проучвания за реставрацията на „Псалмите на Давид. Псалтир на Виктория“, Годишник на Софийски Университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, Факултет по журналистика и масова комуникация, Том 27, София, 2020, 99-130. (ISSN: 1311-4883)
Белчева, Малина. История на папиемаше технологията и приложението и във викторианския дизайн на подвързията от началото на XIX век. Списание за библиотечни и информационни науки, книгоиздаване и литературна история Библиотека, Издание на Министерство на културата на Република България, София, 2020, 47-57. (ISSN: 0861-847X)
Белчева, Малина. Размисли върху реставрация на книга от личната библиотека на Софроний Врачански. Годишник на Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, Исторически факултет, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, Том 103, София, 2019, 69-91. (ISSN: 1312-9406)
Belcheva, Malina. A Gold Leaf Installation. ICON News. The Magazine of the Institute of Conservation, Issue 77, Institute of Conservation, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, August 2018, 32–33. (Part of ISSN: 1749-8988)
Belcheva, Malina. Gold Leaf Installation. Guild of Book Workers Newsletter, no. 238, June issue, Guild of Book Workers, New York, NY, USA, 2018, 13. (Part of ISSN: 0730-3203)
Belcheva, Malina, Peter Geraty. Gilding а Deckle Edge. Guild of Book Workers Newsletter, no. 234, October, Guild of Book Workers, New York, NY, USA, 2017, 11–17. (Part of ISSN: 0730-3203)
Belcheva, Malina. A Novel Conservation Treatment Developed for the Restoration of The Psalms of David Relievo Papier-mâché Binding Designed by Owen Jones. Treatment 2017: Innovation in Conservation and Collection Care, Abstract Book, American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works National Conference, Washington DC, USA, 2017, 88.
[DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22695.57767]
Belcheva, Malina. Complexity and Simplicity in the Conservation of The Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter Scott, Published by John Sharpe in 1811. Guild of Book Workers Newsletter, Part I, no. 229, December 2016, 4-9, and Part II, no. 230, February, New York, NY, 2017, 15 – 17. (Part of ISSN: 0730-3203)
Belcheva, Malina. La couleur du vent Une Belle Aventure! Guild of Book Workers Newsletter, no. 215, NY, USA, August 2014. (Part of ISSN: 0730-3203)
Belcheva, Malina. Beauty and the Book: 19th and Early 20th Century Folios on the Decorative Arts, (online publication). (Exhibition curator, conservator, exhibition design and installation, M. Belcheva), The Art Institute of Chicago, Ryerson & Burnham Library, Chicago, IL, USA, 2012. [DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.36158.48966], < https://archive.artic.edu/ryerson/beauty-book/
От автора
Белчева, Малина. (Монография) Иновативен дизайн и експериментални структури във викторианската книга (1800–1900) – технология и реставрация на релефен дизайн подвързия на Оуен Джоунс за “Псалмите на Давид. Псалтир на Виктория”, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, София, 2022, (464 стр.). (ISBN 978-954-07-5369-0)