Guest exhibition of Romanian Union of Artists / UAP
Curator: prof. univ. dr. Petru Lucaci, President of UAP Romania
Exhibition comissioner: lect. univ. dr Reka Csapo Dup, member of the CEO UAP Sculpture Branch
A cultural project financed by the Ministry of Culture Romania.
With the support of the Union of Bulgarian Artists.
"I believe that art is fundamentally important in society as a means by which we exercise criticality and catharsis, I believe that
artists are radical thinkers and innovators,
and I believe that art provides liberating experiences and empathic connections. It's so much more than collecting objects or beautifying spaces; art is an essential and powerful tool for transformation."
Jessica Shaefer
director of Sites Unseen and cofounder of Mixed Use
Alexandru Patatics / dron video from the exhibition in Rayko Alexiev Hall, SBH, Sofia
Due to globalization and changing social paradigms, Europe and the whole world as well changed substantially during the past decade, and this change continues more and more. In this socially and politically shifted world persons and communities as well could find themselves often in uncomfortable positions because their usual way of life changed radically. This situation, as well the increasing flux of culturally different people (not necessarily immigrants) bringing new behaviours and ideas may produce conflictual or unbalanced groups of peoples.
However, even the digital era and the world wide web are supposed to facilitate communication and preserve countries, communities and so one from emotional disintegration, we are witnessing increasing number of conflict zones and contradictory situations inside the EU as well. In our point of view this art project would increase quality communication, empathy, networking and global understanding.
The Romanian Union of Artists UAP is a professional organization of public utility made up of more than 6000 artists covering the whole range of specializations in the field of visual arts. The year 2021 marked the centenary of the official registration of the Romanian artists' organization. Through the present exhibition, UAP has tried to configure a puzzle, a possible portrait, of course brief, of the concerns of the Romanian artists, members of the Union, in which several genres of artistic expression can be found.
The selection, as always, far from being exhaustive, is only the reflection of a part of our great artists, whom hopefully would be presented in the coming years, due to this engaging bilateral collaboration with the Bulgarian Union of Artists.
About the platform
reUNIONS of Artists- Transmedia Peace Kit is a frame for a group of artists, members of the Romanian Artist Union and whom, trough media, visual art and performance will interfere and release, if possible, any kind of cultural disambiguation.
In our point of view, this art project would increase quality communication, empathy, networking and global understanding. The main theme of the event will be the display of art forms diversity and richness of visual language., touching also on the most recent challenges of contemporary art, through a series of artist talks and debates that will hopefully accompany the main exhibition around the date of September 15th.
Sofia, Bulgarian Union of Artists Gallery
Raiko Alexiev Gallery
Exhibiting artists
Alexandru Antik, Catalin Balescu, Marius Barb Barbone, Gheorghe Dican, Reka Csapo Dup, Darie Dup, Dorina Horatau, Radu Igazsag, Costin Ionita, Aurora Kiraly, Josif Kiraly, Petru Lucaci, Nicolae Moldovan, Liviu Nedelcu, Radu Pandele, Alexandru Papuc, Alexandru Patatics, Gheorghe Pogan, Beniamin Popescu, Cristian Raduta, Alexandru Radvan, Cristina Russu, Ioana Stelea, Andrei Tudoran, Marian Zidaru, Beti Vervega
Artistic areas that will be covered by the exhibition
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Decorative arts
- Multimedia
- Graphics