October 10 – 18, 2021
The 6 Shipka Str. UBA gallery
The third edition of the long-standing educational project titled Contact Zones, which provides a platform for the presentation of young artists from different genres of the visual arts, was attended by students and tutors from the “Metal” and “Ceramics” departments of the National Academy of Arts. During the creative retreat at the Spectar Ceramics OOD facility, tutored by Cyril Mateev (assistant professor), and Emil Batchiysky (assistant professor), the attending young authors worked on the Fire and Earth theme, and experimented with new methods of form-creation, materials, techniques and technologies, explored the most expressive relation between form, volume and space. The participants were granted the opportunity to find out how their visual works were perceived, by displaying these in different environments: the close-to-nature environment in Bratsigovo, the parks of the Sveshtolovnista (candle-works) Cultural Complex in the village of Sveshtary and the exhibition hall at 6 Shipka Str., in Sofia.
The project was implemented by the financial support of the Debuts program of the Culture National Fund, in partnership with the National Academy of Arts, Spectar Ceramics OOD, Bratsigovo, the Union of Bulgarian Artists and the Native Ludogorie Cultural and Educational Association.