
The Union of Bulgarian Artists is a non-profit creativity association bringing together, through its territorial network, visual artists and art critics from all over the country. Founded in 1944, the Union is in fact the result of a half-century of historical experience of Bulgarian artists in the building of an organization capable of protecting their rights and constructing the necessary cultural infrastructure warranting adequate art life.

Author of the historical articles:
Plamen V. Petrov


Union of Bulgarian Artists (Съюз на българските художници)


The Union of Bulgarian Artists was registered anew by Company Suite No 7594/1990 at the Sofia City Court. It is domiciled on 6 Shipka Str., Sofia, district of Sredetz. According to its revised constitution, it aims to defend the honor and dignity of its members; to warrant their freedom of artistic expression, their rights and interests; to contribute to the development of Bulgarian art; communicate and exchange past experience with other national cultures, art organizations and artists and provide professional information; to organize the protection of the intellectual rights of artists and art critics.